Thursday, April 15, 2010

2 Months Before the 2000 Mile "Ride-About"

Hello everyone (anyone?),

So here I am, 2 months before the biggest shift of my life and wondering how it is all going to come together and play out. If you are not already familiar with who I am, please get to know me at That is a website I have been growing and sharing upon since March 2003. This journal is not about where I came from... but where I am going to, why and how.

That is the funny part, the "how?" How does a single gal who just had a business collapse and her financial life "appear" to always be in the arrears, set out on a journey that will take her 2000 miles away from her beloved family without the "apparent" resources to do so.



I have two months to manifest some needed things (none of which I have today):

  • Gas money
  • Camping / Hotel (on rainy nights) money
  • A Tent
  • An air mattress with a car kit
  • A new cell phone with a GPS and WiFi ability (looking at the blackberry Curve 8900 on ebay for $190)
  • Food Money
  • The ability to make my car payment, insurance payment and phone payment 2 months in advance.
  • Rose and Clear quartz crystals to leave at each cave I visit along the way

Where am I now? My bank account is about $400 overdrawn... so I have a lot of manifesting to do in 2 months! lol Does it scare me? Not even close. I have played in the universal ether's of co-creation for 10 years now. I trust I will have enough of what I need to at least allow me to get out the door of my home and onto the next exciting phase of my life.

It is the how.... that I will be documenting, all the way to New Mexico. This is my real life Ride-About (as opposed to the Australian Walkabout).

I asked for, and received within a day... an Atlas. Yay (thank you again Nicole). I now have a way to plot my course towards New Mexico. Of course, one cannot ask the universe for support and not be open to what the universe needs in return. (smile)

I will be stopping at as many caves along the way (actually plotting my course according to the caves along the way) and do some very special energy work (prayers) and to power it all up with crystalline energy. What that means is, I will be sealing energy work within the crystal(s) selected for each cave and bury the crystal(s) within the earth of the cave.

Anyway... this is the beginning of my journal.

With so much love and excitement thru it all!

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